Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2020

Traumtagebuch - Held in Ausbildung

Ich habe das Gefühl, dass sich dieser Traum auf Englisch abgespielt hat; irgendwie fühlt er sich auf Deutsch nicht richtig berichtet an.

Alec - decidedly not Alex, my dream makes that distinction clear - is the eldest of three siblings and probably around 15 years old himself. In the first scene, that I see partly through his eyes and partly not, he is holding a rifle that he clearly knows how to handle. He is inside somewhere and it is dark. All of a sudden people crowd him and his weapon is taken away. Alec wonders where his siblings are; they should be nearby.

Alec's parents are dead; there is no emotion attached to this information, they might as well just have left the room. They were the ones who taught Alec and his siblings about weapons and technology; they might have special talents for either, it is not entirely clear, but they are the good guys: heroes! The family fights bad guys together.
That will change from now on. The siblings' new parents don't want them to fight, they want them to be normal children. In this dream, they are the bad guys, taking something important and precious away from the children.
Alec watches his younger siblings play with their new toys and forget about their former lives. They don't seem to remember what they did before, how they fought against evil together. They hardly seem to know Alec anymore.

He is afraid to even touch the toys their new parents present him with. He tries to return to their home but everything is locked up. He manages to get inside where every door, every cupboard is locked and difficult to open. But he knows he has to open them if he wants to retain his memories, if he wants to stay himself.
His new parents have followed him, new toys in tow. They pretend to be friendly but Alec sees past their masks; their goal is to manipulate him and he can't let that happen.

Ich bin aufgewacht, bevor die Handlung zu einem Abschluss kommen konnte. Ich weiß noch, dass eines der jüngeren Geschwisterkinder nicht-binär war, an das Geschlecht des anderen erinnere ich mich nicht. Rückblickend könnte man auch interpretieren, dass diese neuen Eltern durchaus die "Guten" waren, die die Kinder aus einer Erziehung für Kampf und Krieg herausgeholt haben und sie vor traumatischen Erinnerungen bewahren wollten. Aber im Traum hat es sich nicht so angefühlt.

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